This site has been prepared by several UK motorcycling organizations and the National Motorcyclists Council (NMC). It presents a manifesto for a positive vision for the future of transport and the role of motorcycling within this.

Motorcycling is a key part of the future of transport. If supported by government, it will foster social mobility, quality of life, economic growth and improved safety. There is also a need to protect the choices riders make about the bikes they want to ride and how they want to enjoy motorcycling.

With a general election likely to take place later this year, there is now a rare opportunity to make motorcyclists views known to the people who will be seeking our vote in the forthcoming general election campaign.

This website provides you with all the resources and tools that you need as a motorcyclist, to make your views known to parliamentary candidates.

Our manifesto, ‘Motorcycling Matters’, sets out measures that need to be taken by the next Government which will ensure a brighter, safer, more enjoyable and more sustainable future for UK motorcycling.

As riders, we need a strategy which recognises the huge benefits that motorcycling brings to the UK’s future travel, commuting and environmental needs – plus supports the leisure, sport and heritage aspects of motorcycling.

We urge you to join the campaign to put motorcycling on the political map, so that your future as a rider is secured.