We call on you, as a candidate, to support motorcycling.

To sign the pledge, fill out the form on this page and – if you want to – upload a photo of yourself showing your support for motorcycling, by printing and holding up the pledge card.

I commit to work with motorcycle riders’ groups to deliver measures which will unleash the potential of mopeds and motorcycles for the benefit of society and the future of transport.

    I pledge to:

    • Ensure Motorcycling is brought into the mainstream of future Government Transport Policy.
    • Recognize and facilitate motorcycling as a positive low and zero-polluting form of transport for commuting, logistics and leisure and as a key part of future Government transport strategy and policy.
    • Deliver improved Licence, Training and Testing.
    • Remove the current complexity, repetition and high cost of the current licensing and testing regime, improve rider safety and open up the sector to fully realize its economic, environmental and societal benefits.
    • Ensure better and safer roads for riding – tackle the scourge of potholes.
    • Ensure adequate investment in “Vision Zero” and “Safe System” measures, including the prompt repair and improved design of the UK road network to keep motorcyclists safe.
    • Give riders genuine choice under decarbonisation policy.
    • Embrace a wide variety of current and developing emissions-reducing technology, including e-fuels and hydrogen alongside battery electric.
    • Protect and improve access to all types of highways, both sealed and unsealed, including default access to bus lanes.
    • Preserve and protect access for motorcyclists to the full road network, including sealed and green roads, and deliver default access to bus lanes to enhance motorcyclist safety in towns and cities.
    • Celebrate motorcycle sport.
    • Ensure support and recognition to the UK’s sports sector and recognition of its value to the UK economy and position on the world stage.
    • Recognize the cultural importance of the historic motorcycle sector.
    • Recognize the importance of the UK’s Historic Motorcycle Sector and preserve its important role in cultural heritage, sport and recreation.